Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Day and a Dino Like No Other

I find myself sitting here, AC on full blast, cold compress on each shoulder, red, swollen feet suspended high enough to barely be comfortable, thinking about whether or not spending all day at the beach on Friday was worth the potential threat of terminal skin cancer. Splitting $350 of prize money with my three comrads might have improved the situation, but as my friend Sarah made blatantly clear, “We must have come in fourth.”, which clearly explains our lack of overall triumph in the competition. We assembled “Manly Stanley”, a self-assured, tango-dancing, prehistoric dinosaur. It was truly an experience. 

As you can see from our "Before" picture, we were all ready to go!

But we were a little wiped our afterwords....

Here we are with Stanley

Although we did not win the competition, we are all now the proud owners of undeniable, irreversable skin damage. Don't get me wrong, I had a spectacular time. I always have a spectacular time with Sarah, Courtney and Arielle

May our friend Stanley rest in peace. He now lives with the fishies, and lies at the bottom of the ocean. An ocean he always dreamed of returning to. See you in Heaven, little buddy. Save me a shady spot... and some SPF 45. 

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