Sunday, February 22, 2009

Art and Spilled Coffee

Today I had what my roommate describes as the “unfortunate experience” of retrieving my soaked clothes from the faulty dryer, only to find the elastic from a pair of underwear had detached itself from it’s proper place and crudely wrapped itself around the pull string to my favorite hoodie. After carefully considering my roommate’s suggestion to “rock that shit and own it”, I immediately jumped to action, knowing that even if I could not salvage my favorite pull string, it was not worth the potential embarrassment of running around Savannah with a pair of bright orange skivvies hanging from my neck. 

After the successfully epic battle that will from now on be called, “The Separation of Laundries”, I realized that I had spent too much time this weekend on household tasks, and not enough time on what some people like to call “homework”.  All of that aside, there are much more important things to focus on like…  art, and spilled coffee.